

黄 海

来源 : 太阳成集团tyc33455 时间 : 2020年03月31日


 黄海 博士   


研究员   国务院特殊津贴专家                     




●  研究兴趣、领域:


●  开设的课程:


●  代表性论文:


1. Chen, Yan; Ma, Jun; Huang, Hai; Zhong, Honggan;(2019). Effects of the replacement of fishmeal by soy protein concentrate on growth performance, apparent digestibility, and retention of protein and amino acid in juvenile pearl gentian grouper, PLos One, 14(12): 0-e0222780

2. Huapu Chen; Hongxin Huang; Xinggui Chen; Siping Deng; Chunhua Zhu; Hai Huang; Guangli Li;(2016). Structural and functional characterization of neuromedin S in the teleost fish, zebrafish (Danio rerio), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 191: 76-83

3. Huang H; Wei Y; Meng Z; Zhang Y; Liu X; Guo L; Luo J; Chen G; Lin H ; 2014. Polymorphismsof Leptin-b Gene Associated with Growth Traits in Orange-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Int. J. Mol. Sci, 17(7): 11996-12006

4. Wei Y; Huang H; Meng Z; Zhang Y; Luo J; Chen G; Lin H ; (2013)Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Leptin-a Gene and Associations with GrowthTraits in the Orange-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus coioides ), Int. J. Mol. Sci, 14(4): 8625-8637

5. Huang H; Zhang Y; Huang WR; Li SS; Zhu P; Liu Y; Yin SW; Liu XC; Lin HR; (2009). Molecular chara cterization of marbled eel (Anguilla marmorata) gonadotropinsubunits and their mRNA expression profiles during artificially induced gonadaldevelopment, General & Comparative Endocrinology, 162(2): 192-202


●  荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况:

1. 《杂交石斑鱼规模化育苗及养殖技术集成与示范》农牧渔业丰收奖二等奖, (2019,第一完成人)

2. 《暹罗斗鱼人工繁育与工厂化养殖技术》, 海南省科技进步三等奖, (2014,第一完成人)

3. 《石斑鱼遗传多样性及其种质评价技术的研究》海南省科技进步一等奖 (2008,第五完成人)


●  联系方式:


通讯地址:三亚市育才路1号 教学楼9322

